Saints row 3 radio stations
Saints row 3 radio stations

saints row 3 radio stations

Hey peeps to never die on saints row 3 on ps3 or 360 do this, look for the money cheat online-activate it 10 to 20 times-go on. The Mix Stand and Deliver by Adam Ant Fantasy by Aldo Nova Holding out For A Hero by Bonnie Tyler. Unhandled Exception: System.IO.EndOfStreamException: Attempted to read past the end of the stream.Īt Gibbed.IO.StreamHelpers.WriteFromStream(Stream stream, Stream input, Int64 size, Int32 buffer)Īt Gibbed.IO.StreamHelpers.WriteFromStream(Stream stream, Stream input, Int64 size)Īt .Unpacker`1.Main(String args)Īt . The following sets of songs can he heard by tuning to the corresponding station. It is able to extract 929 of the 930 files. I'm getting an exception with Gibbed's tools extracting soundboot.vpp_pc with. UPDATE: The solution if you get this error is to either use the alternate soundboot.vpp_pc posted in this forum or the updated version of the toolset which you can find at the following link (it works for Saints Row 2, Saints Row the Third and Saints Row IV.

Saints row 3 radio stations